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Registration of “Professions” profiles in Loghin,
The registration of these profiles can be done by anyone who wants to introduce a person or a professional in Loghin. Upon registration, it is specified who is the profile administrator in Loghin and who is the real administrator of the registered profile.
Activating the profile of "Professions" within Loghin offers the right to the person who created it to benefit from the Loghin Finance system in terms of groups and profit accumulation within it. Thus, a "Third Party" person can activate the professional profile of a person or professional and remains its manager until the real owner does not claim his rights over that profile. The third party may not enter information on the person or professional profiles and may communicate on his behalf only on the basis of a power of attorney received by Loghin through the certified mail of the subject in the category "Professions". The third person will have through a group created for this purpose the right to benefit from the financial part relative to these types of groups with or without the approval (validation) from the user of the “person or professional”.
As a third party holder on the group, the third person will have to pay the contribution provided for this type of activity in favor of the user "person / professional", without which the benefits on this title are not activated by Loghin.
There is the possibility that the Loghin system automatically activates the "persons or professionals" profiles based on lists, information or organizational charts, thus the system being the first beneficiary as a "third party" user of the benefits of the "person or professional" group. For this purpose, Loghin creates lists (groups) of organizational charts or professionals classified based on certain categories.
Activating the profile and claiming the right to the “profession / professionals” profile.
It is done by the person or professional who must send an e-mail (with a copy of the identity documents) to the activation service of the “institutions / organizations” profiles. The person or the professional can empower a third person to take care of his / her part of the image in the Loghin system and you will recognize his / her right to benefit from the advantages of the Loghin Finance system.
Within the “professions / professionals” system, they can enter information about their activities in the Loghin database, create their own presentation pages, introduce products and services and activate the Loghin Finance system.
The person or the professional can create groups of clients and suppliers who benefit from the Loghin Finance system as well as from the messaging and newsletter system. At the same time, they can introduce in order to promote their professional services in the Loghin e-commerce system and can set the characteristics and type of service (where applicable) as well as the distribution of commercial margins applied to the services sold through Loghin.